Growing ideas - from idea to action

"Growing ideas - from idea to action with the Sustainability Sprint method, - a handbook on how to make sustainable ideas grow quickly". This is the name of a book that has recently been published by Lava. It is a practical handbook for those who want to push for sustainable change in the workplace.

"We have written a handbook for you who want to save the world during working hours. For you who want to change and who may be struggling to try to live more sustainably in your everyday life, but who also want to scale up your efforts. By helping to accelerate change in your workplace, you can make an even bigger difference ".

The words come from the three authors of the book Linda Fragner, Thomas Arctaedius and Frida Panoussis. Of course you will meet them at the Nordic Sustainability Expo 18-19 May, where the book will be on sale at the fair price.

With the help of the book's tested and concrete step-by-step methods, they promise that you can learn in a fun and easy way to become a sustainability entrepreneur who cultivates ideas and spreads them. The book and the method should be able to be used regardless of what role you have in your organization, the authors say. The perfect summer gift for colleagues, we say.

People in the picture from left: Frida Panoussis, Thomas Arctaedius, Linda Fragner
Photo: Juliana Wolf Garcindo
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